Oktober Retreat 2024
2. bis 6. Oktober
Wir wollten verstehen, was ein großartiger Yoga-Urlaub für uns und Menschen wie Sie bedeutet, also haben wir eine Menge recherchiert, um Erkenntnisse, Ideen und Meinungen zu erhalten. Und jetzt sind wir mehr als aufgeregt, Ihnen zu erzählen, was wir herausgefunden haben :)
Unsere größte Priorität bei diesem Erlebnis ist es, eine einzigartige Atmosphäre zu schaffen und Gäste zu empfangen, die ihre Yoga-Praxis aufrichtig vertiefen und gleichzeitig eine kurze Pause vom Alltagsstress einlegen möchten. Wir halten den Kreis klein, damit wir uns auf das Ziel jedes Teilnehmers konzentrieren und ein personalisiertes Erlebnis schaffen können. Das Retreat wird von Kris, Sarah und Maria geleitet. 3 Frauen, die sich durch die Yoga-Praxis kennengelernt haben, was zu einer tiefen Freundschaft und der Gründung einer kleinen Wellness-Marke führte. Es wäre wunderbar, Sie am 2. Oktober 2024 in Portugal bei unserem Boutique-Retreat begrüßen zu dürfen. Anbei finden Sie weitere Informationen, Kosten und Reiseplan. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an einen von uns.
Was ist enthalten
Nicht im Ticket enthalten
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Portugal retreat
the facilitators
Kris has been practicing yoga for 18 years. She describes it as an endless journey that has not only helped her transform her physical abilities but also learn her greatest life lessons and live in beautiful places all over the world. She's been teaching yoga to all levels, a variety of backgrounds and age groups. In addition to her love of yoga, she's a new mom to baby Otis, a passionate wake surfer and founder of the lifestyle brand Globalistina.
Maria started her journey as a holistic nutrition coach, she then continued as a meditation teacher and is a certified Hatha and Vinyasa facilitator. Her passion is to inspire others to live an authentic life according to its' soul purpose. She's currently getting her Somatic Coach Facilitator certification, which explores the connection between the body, emotions, and thoughts.
Sarah has been practicing yoga for 10 years. Next to that, she is qualified in Reiki healing and therapeutical energetic meditation. Initially, she started with a more Western approach to yoga. But later found a more traditional ashram, teaching Himalayan techniques and traditions, going more towards a therapeutical and holistic approach. Recently, Sarah qualified as a massage therapist, including sports, kinetic taping, Swedish, and de-contracting massages.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! As long as you have a basic fitness level in place.
Though a yoga class is guided by an instructor, it is a very individual practice so you decide what you’re happy to do and what not.
The levels of the participants might cover the whole spectrum and we promise it’ll be a fun experience and challenge for everyone.
Yes! There are other solo attendees and in fact that can be quite a beneficial experience, since you can focus entirely on yourself and be open to meeting and connecting with new people.
Not at all. It can even be an advantage as you’ll be approaching those activities with a completely neutral mindset.
Just let us know what it is, and we will make sure to accommodate for those.
For now we only have female signups but it is open to all genders.
Not at all. It is completely up to you what you choose to attend and what not.
We believe it’s great to experiment with all the options we offer but some activities might just not be your thing or you might not feel it on the day.
It’s your retreat and all up to you. The only thing we ask, is that you give us a quick heads up so we don’t wait for you.
All sessions will be covered either by Kris, Sarah or Maria.
The sound healing session will be covered by a guest facilitator.
We are all qualified yoga and meditation instructors and have years of experience.