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Article: What is the meaning of Reiki healing and what is it good for?


What is the meaning of Reiki healing and what is it good for?



With all the alternative and holistic practices arising, maybe Reiki crossed your path at some point. But what is Reiki actually? Reiki comes from the Japanese language and the word itself is broken down into "rei" which means as much as soul or spirit and "ki" which is the vital energy. But Reiki healing: What is that all about?



We as humans are made of energy and energy is in everything surrounding us. Remember whatever exists in this world is made out of atoms and atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons..... yes exactly, ENERGY. In a nutshell, the Reiki therapist concentrates and channels energy and moves it through the patient’s body through their hands. Moving their hands over the main chakra points and over other areas where they sense the body may need energy, they pass energy. All to achieve the ultimate goal: a better balance in a human’s system to solve physical problems as well as mental blockages.  This is the point where some of you go…wtf is this nonsense? And I fully understand that I might have lost you now. Feel free to move on to other topics of life :)

Such practices are often matters of ‘willingness to believe’. The more open minded you are to a possible impact of such healing sessions, the more likely you are to sense something/anything. At least it is so in my point of view. People go to Reiki sessions for different reasons. Whether you want to embrace this therapy in a physical and more superficial way, or if you want to take it on a more spiritual level by working on your emotions as well as physical impact, is completely up to you.


You might have noticed that I call the practitioner a Reiki therapist, rather than a healer. Some would disagree, but in my teachings and learnings there was no talk of becoming a healer - rather a humble therapist who can guide a patient and give their minds and bodies the energy needed to do the work they want or need to do.
Here is some advice I can share from my studies: Our emotions, our mind, our traumas are deeply connected with our body. You might have heard the term psychosomatic effects. It means the effect the psychic has on our body. A very common example that most people can relate to is stress and how we feel it in our body. Have you ever felt so stressed that your shoulders tightened up and actually hurt? Subconsciously we tend to tighten our shoulders and pull them up, when we are stressed, literally carrying the weight of our stress and thoughts on our shoulders! In your busy mind, you might have not noticed the shoulders, but you would realise the next step: a headache, or worse even - a migraine. You didn’t physically hurt your shoulders, nor your head, it is simply your mind's distress reflecting on your body. Our mind is a very powerful tool that we underestimate way too often. As I mentioned, experiencing Reiki therapy can mean that blockages open. In what form is difficult to say. You might cry, you might feel lighter or heavier, you might see something from a different angle, or an old pain might resurface. It cannot be forecasted with certainty. From this point on, it is up to you if you want to acknowledge it and work on it further.



From personal experience I can say, it’s not always easy and some blockages are created intentionally as a protection mechanism; so when you open them you might experience thoughts and feelings you don’t feel comfortable with. But so far all the work I’ve done, taught me that addressing and letting go of some of the weight one carries around, provides more inner peace eventually. Your relationship with yourself, as well as with others will change. Of course all of the above is merely a scratch to the surface of a very complex method which has seen a massive spike in interest in societies across more mature economies. The intention of this article is to summarise the basic concept and approach. You are welcome to take it further or to dismiss it. The choice, thankfully as always, is yours :)

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