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About us

Globalistina is the brainchild of 3 women on a never-ending journey to develop better versions of themselves.

In other words we are Kristina, Sarah and Maria.

We aren't women of exceptional wealth, fame, status, knowledge or recognised achievements.

We are the modern common woman. Extraordinary on a different scale.

The products we pick, the stories we tell and the people we introduce are always the outcomes of our personal interests, passions and curiosities. Inspired by the countless cultures of our beautiful planet.

Globalistina doesn't care about 'Made in Germany', 'Assembled in China' or 'Designed in Paris'. We don't need to limit our heritage to one spot to create an identity. Simply put, we are a crazy mix of all sorts and we are going to keep adding to that colourful cocktail that makes us who we are. Globalistina is an accurate representation of the women we are, how we would like to express ourselves and to be seen.

On a daily level the spectrum can reach all extremes; from strong to fragile, from rich to poor, from beautiful to ugly, from hardworking to lazy, from focused to lost, from misfit to follower, from empowered to dependent.

Yet the core remains the same: Let's build a life for ourselves that suits our true nature, makes us better people in this society of nearly 8 billion people and allows us and others to live more comfortably and sustainably.

From idea to launch

3 years of creating and re-creating Globalistina. We have just launched the brand to the public and it's already been a mind-blowing journey so far. Here are some snapshots of the journey to making the brand that is so close to our hearts. 

And of course in the meantime life happened: A wedding, a breakup, a precious new life and one taken from us, travels, surgeries, moves, you name it. 

Cheers to the gift of life 

kris - maria - sarah

the founders


Kris is the type of friend that would get you to really let your hair down when you need it and also when you least expect it. She will dance on tables with you and make you play terrible drinking games.

She’s the friend that always tells you to go for it, reminding you that the worst that can happen is not so bad at all. She will inspire you to follow your intuition and motivate you to pursue your experimental mind over your career mind. Ideally in a nice café setting with a decent Oat Latte.

She will actually call you out for over-indulging in self pity or procrastination and she places great importance on being honest and fair towards each other, no matter the type of relationship.

Kris is the friend that used to suck at handling money, until she found projects to save it for.

She still chooses to believe in love as romantics would, and the love of her life was initially her best friend (no kidding). She prioritises emotional decisions over rational ones and it might just be her biggest strength and weakness at the same time.

She’s the person that always injures herself somehow, loses her laundry in Thai floods, drops her shoes in the river and sometimes you wonder how she made it through life in one piece (so far). 

Yet you also think of her as the lucky one cause you see her genuinely happy and joyful most of the time. 

The amount of times you think she is lost and the amount of times you think she is not lost at all are probably equal. She is random, loves to try random things, has random stories to tell and has a very random mix of people in her life.

At times you’ll get to see the German in her come out. She does like certain things in order. Like her closet, the way she packs her suitcase or how she organises events and meetings. And when she promises something, she will stick to it.

She is her own biggest judge. Her struggles are the hard words she finds for herself, yet she will always remind you to love yourself first and foremost.

To some she might come across as undisciplined at times. And she probably is to a certain degree but she is also the type of person refusing to take anything too seriously and with that she puts living in the moment first. For the wild, conscious, love, funny, spiritual, random, chaotic moments.

Globalistina as a whole is the brainchild of Kris.
A passion project meant to combine creativity, self-expression, self development and life goals.
What started with a nice idea, has already turned into one of biggest learnings of her life. Learning new skills, channeling creativity, being patient, making tough decisions, accepting chaos, just to name a few.
Globalistina is a time stamp of Kris’ mindset along the years of her life and her ambitions, dreams and plans for the future.
And it is the best ‘job’ she could wish for. 


Maria is a friend that will help you give meaning to everything in life; yes, even the little things that seem insignificant. To her, they will have a purpose and she'll try to show it to you. She sees life as a big classroom where everything that happens is an experience and a gift for evolution. Especially if the gift is wrapped in a shitty package.

She's the kind of friend that will always invite you not to settle for a medium sized life. She will push you to have the courage to live the life of your dreams and follow your deepest desires.

Generosity is one of her biggest assets, she’s the kind of person that makes everybody gets an equal slice of cake even if it means giving away hers. She knows how to listen and will never invalidate your feelings or make judgments about them. She doesn't hold a grudge, she’s humble and always chooses to see the best in people.

She loves to go out dancing and can easily become a wild animal and stay awake until 6am. One of her favourite things is turning strangers into friends. She’ll share her drinks and if she likes you, she'll become an open book and share her heart.

Sometimes she appears to be clueless and she'll make you think she has no idea of the world she’s living in. And you will probably be right about it, but she'll always remember the things that are important for you.

She loves to talk about crazy stories, synchronicities, and life mysteries. Her journal, her colourful pens, music and incenses, are some of the things she wished never had to live without; and her ultimate favourite things in life are good people, beer, dogs, nature and sunsets.

Her biggest passion (now, because she changes her mind a lot) is to inspire others to live a balanced lifestyle, harmonising their body, mind and spirit, and to honour their soul's true callings.


Globalistina gives Maria the opportunity to be creative, dive into topics that she loves, question herself about her evolution as a woman, and to have a safe space to express that evolution. To her, Globalistina is a colourful universe of endless possibilities. A space both for learning and creating. It synthesises her professional journey so far, as well as her personal interests, goals and beliefs. It’s the voice in which she wants to express personally and professionally, and the perfect formula between admiration for her amazing colleagues, the possibility of working anywhere in the world, and a brand that she truly loves and admires.


Sarah is the kind of friend that will listen to you without judging.

She will always try to see things from an optimistic point of view, still not forgetting to bring you back to reality with love or sarcasm.

She is a dreamer and sometimes said to have her head high up in the clouds, which is a typical characteristic of her star-sign (Aquarius). But this is only one of part of her being. She is your designer friend, who will tell you honestly if you gained weight or look fabulous in your new outfit. Remember, where she comes from, quality is a must... she's made in Italy.

Be sure that she will try to see every situation from multiple angles. Sarah is very compassionate as a friend and will always look for solutions that won't hurt anyone. Love and kindness are key for her spiritual being and driving force. Thriving to inspire people and helping always. On her own spiritual path and energy work, she came across Reiki, learned how to utilise it and is now using it to help others.

She is a very curious person and always trying to learn and evolve. Yes, she can be pretty inconsistent in many things (the dreamer inside of her will always live), because she would like to explore everything that catches her interest. But if there's a topic she really believes in, she will follow through.

Being very impulsive in some situations and over-reasoning in others, she can give you the point of view of the ''overthinker' as well as the "just-go-for-it".

She's the friend who you can rely on to guide you through an amazingly well planned trip, but that will also follow you if you have some interesting last minute ideas. She will always try to push you to see the best in you, and ask you all the questions that will make you come to your own conclusions.

She loves to ask questions.... so prepare yourself to dig deep into your soul...

To Sarah, Globalistina is like a continuous creation. Everyday there’s something new to learn: New ways of expression and new ways of making things better.
Globalistina lets her creative soul be free.
It allows her to design fashion - make it sustainable and durable while making every woman wearing it feel comfortable, confident and beautiful.
Globalistina gives her a platform to not just inspire herself but hopefully also others to live more mindfully and sustainably, giving value to all the things and beings around us.

What we offer

What it is that makes us who we are and allows us to express ourselves? A million things, as you might imagine but we’ve picked a decent range of categories and filled them with products and experiences. We want to empower you to take charge of your wellbeing and those around you through 5 wellness pillars: Sweat, Play, Nourish, Focus and Explore.

Our products and experience reports have been carefully selected for their combined wellness and sustainability impact - so it’s good for you, the environment and other communities. 

We only support quality products made by artisans, small scale farmers, marginalised communities, recycled and/or non-toxic materials. The topics we discuss and the people we introduce are things that trigger our minds to keep thinking and exploring. And at times, they simply blow our limits and leave us baffled, blushed or in hysterical laughter. 

Our mission is to support you, us and the people we work with to explore and create wellness and personal development in our lives; sustainably. We truly believe that one can only achieve wellness, peace of mind, purpose or whatever you might want to call it, by creating a comfortable surrounding for themselves and supporting others in areas where they might face challenges.

where it all began


From Krissy's Brainchild the 3 started to work on developing a buch of ideas. At that time Kris was in Bali, Maria in Mexico and Sarah in Kuwait.

Business Incorporation in Dubai


Things got finally serious, with productions running of the first organic yoga and leisure wear collection and Globalistina as a brand and business is born in Dubai

Globalistina becomes europe based


After long thoughts Globalistina moved to Germany in May 2024 and became european citizen.