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Explore Globalistina's rings, crafted from recycled materials by artisans across the globe. Each unique piece tells a story and features adjustable sizes, blending style and sustainability. Shop Now

Rukh RingRingsA classic piece that personifies confidence and boldness. Taking its inspiration from the bark of a tree, the fine textured lines are carefully defined by our artisaGlobalistinaRukh RingGlobalistinaRukh RingRingsA classic piece that personifies confidence and boldness. Taking its inspiration from the bark of a tree, the fine textured lines are carefully defined by our artisaGlobalistinaRukh RingGlobalistina
Rukh Ring Sale price€54,00
Parikrama RingRingsDepicting tales of the marvels created in the past, our parikrama ring is a culmination of indigenous motives. Intricately worked on by skilles artisans, each elemenGlobalistinaParikrama RingGlobalistinaParikrama RingRingsDepicting tales of the marvels created in the past, our parikrama ring is a culmination of indigenous motives. Intricately worked on by skilles artisans, each elemenGlobalistinaParikrama RingGlobalistina
Parikrama Ring Sale price€48,00
Magical Tip RingsMagical Tip Rings
Magical Tip Rings Sale price€109,00